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Template helpers are special utilities that are available across all templates and provide utilities like classMap
, formatDate
, concat
that can be used to format values for output.
In this example formatDate
is used to format the display of a date set in the components state.
{formatDate currentTime 'h:mm:ss a'}
Checks if a value is not empty.
{#if exists valueToCheck} Value exists{/if}
Checks if a value is empty.
{#if isEmpty collectionToCheck} Collection is empty{/if}
Checks if an array has any elements.
{#if hasAny arrayToCheck} Array has elements{/if}
Checks if both a and b are truthy.
{#if both conditionA conditionB} Both conditions are true{/if}
Checks if either a or b is truthy.
{#if either conditionA conditionB} At least one condition is true{/if}
Returns trueExpr if expr is truthy, falseExpr otherwise.
{maybe condition 'True result' 'False result'}
Converts a value to JSON string.
{stringify objectToStringify}
Concatenates all arguments.
{concat firstName ' ' lastName}
Capitalizes the first letter of text.
{capitalize textToCapitalize}
Converts text to title case.
{titleCase textToTitleCase}
Tokenizes a string.
{tokenize stringToTokenize}
Joins array elements with a delimiter.
{join itemsArray ', ' true}
Joins array elements with commas.
{joinComma itemsArray true false}
Converts an object to an array for use with {#each}
{arrayFromObject objectToConvert}
Can be used to pass arbitary data as an object to other functions.
{object key=valueForKey}
Returns an array with range
{#each range 1 6} {this}{/each}
Joins CSS classes, the second param spaceAfter
adds a space after the final class name.
{classes classNamesArray true}
Conditionally applies a CSS class.
{classIf isActive 'active' 'inactive'}
Applies multiple CSS classes based on conditions.
{classMap (object active=isActive disabled=isDisabled)}
Adds ‘active’ class if expression is truthy.
{activeIf isCurrentPage}
Adds ‘selected’ class if expression is truthy.
{selectedIf isOptionSelected}
Adds ‘disabled’ class if expression is truthy.
{disabledIf isElementDisabled}
Adds ‘checked’ class if expression is truthy.
{checkedIf isOptionChecked}
Checks negation (!)
{#if not someCondition} Some condition is not true{/if}
Checks equality (==).
{#if is valueA valueB} Values are equal{/if}
Checks inequality (!=).
{#if notEqual valueA valueB} Values are not equal{/if}
Checks strict equality (===).
{#if isEqual valueA valueB} Values are strictly equal{/if}
Checks strict inequality (!==).
{#if isNotEqual valueA valueB} Values are strictly not equal{/if}
Checks if a > b.
{#if greaterThan numberA numberB} A is greater than B{/if}
Checks if a < b.
{#if lessThan numberA numberB} A is less than B{/if}
Checks if a is greater than or equal to b.
{#if greaterThanEquals numberA numberB} A is greater than or equal to B{/if}
Checks if a is less than or equal to b.
{#if lessThanEquals numberA numberB} A is less than or equal to B{/if}
Returns a + 1.
{numberFromIndex indexValue}
Adds plural suffix if value is not 1.
{maybePlural itemCount 's'}
Formats a date.
{formatDate dateToFormat 'YYYY-MM-DD' (object timezone='UTC')}
Formats a date with time.
{formatDateTime dateTimeToFormat 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' (object timezone='local')}
Formats a date with time and seconds.
{formatDateTimeSeconds dateTimeToFormat 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss' (object timezone='America/New_York')}
Logs arguments to console.
{log 'Debug message' (object data=dataToLog)}
Triggers debugger.
Debugs reactivity.