CSS & Styling Creating a new component package Guide

CSS & Styling


Components defined with defineComponent can include css that applies only to the component or pageCSS that should apply globally to the page.

Component CSS

css defines CSS that will be attached to your web component. This is passed as a string and is constructed and attached to the component using adoptedstylesheets.

css is scoped to the component and will not affect nested web components or the page.

const css = `
.counter {
border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
padding: 1em;
border-radius: 4px;

Shadow DOM Web component use a special system of encapsulation called the Shadow DOM which allows the web component to render in isolation from other parts of the page. This means that component CSS will not affect the rest of your app and your components will not inherit styles from the page besides css variables.

Page CSS

Page CSS is CSS scoped to the page. This can be used to assign styles globally when your component is defined.

This is useful to apply styles to your component based on where it is rendered, or work around the necessary limitations of scoped css.

Layout Shift - Be cautious using page css to define rules as they will not be present during server side rendering and can cause layout shift in your component.

const pageCSS = `
body.dark my-component {
color: #FFFFFF;


Global Variables

If you include @semantic-ui/core in your project you will have access to a variety of global variables which can be used to handle common styling primitives like --border --padding, --primary-color and other values that can be used as a basis of your design system.

const css = `
.counter {
border: var(--border);
padding: var(--padding);
border-radius: var(--border-radius);

Light / Dark Mode

onThemeChanged Callback

When definining your component with defineComponent you can include a special callback that fires when the global theme changes for a page. This can be used to rerun javascript when the user selects a new theme.

const onThemeChanged = ({darkMode}) => {
if(darkMode) {
// dark mode
else {
// light mode

Dark Mode Flag

Inside each lifecycle callback, you can check the darkMode flag to determine if a dark mode theme is applied. This can be used to run different javascript for a dark mode theme.

const onCreated = ({darkMode}) {
if(darkMode) {
// do something

Triggering Theme Callback

To cause onThemeChanged to fire on your components you will need to dipatch a themechange event from the page.

You can use the theme-switcher component to implement a standard ‘dark-mode’ theme switcher button, or manually dispatch this event from a custom component.

import { $ } from '@semantic-ui/query';
$('html').dispatchEvent('themechange', {
theme: 'dark',
darkMode: true

Using CSS Variables

Adding CSS Variables

The easiest way to expose some styling as being modifiable from outside your component is to define variables in the :root scope inside your component.

:root {
--component-padding: var(--padding);

Modifying from Page

This can then be modified from outside the component by adjusting the values for a particular instance of your component

<my-component class="special-case"></my-component>
my-component.special-case {
--component-padding: 2rem;

Modifying for Subcomponents

It can also be useful for a component to modify variables of other components nested inside.

For instance imagine your component includes a primary ui-button, but you would like to force the primary color to be green inside your component.

You can do this from inside your component’s css by adjusting the css variables.

{#if canSave}
<ui-button primary>Save</ui-button>
ui-button {
--button-primary-color: var(--green);

Using CSS Parts

Web components also include an additional new standard for exposing css parts of your component to be styleable.

Unlike css variables which only expose particular css values as being modifiable, using a part will allow any CSS property to be adjusted.

This will allow you apply arbitrary css not present in the original component.

Parts Example

For instance your counter component might include a part to expose the value of the counter.

<div class="counter" part="counter">{counter}</div>

This can be adjusted directly from the page

ui-counter::part(counter) {
color: var(--red);
font-size: var(--large);