Basic Usage Getting started with Query and its core functionality info Guide

Basic Usage


The Query constructor is the foundation of the library, allowing you to create Query objects from various types of inputs.

Web Component Support Semantic exports two separate helpers for handling DOM $ and Shadow DOM $$ that will recursively cross shadow boundaries.


selectorstring | Element | NodeList | Array<Element> | WindowThe selector or elements to query
optionsobjectConfiguration options


rootElementdocumentThe root element to start the query from
pierceShadowbooleanfalseWhether to pierce through Shadow DOM boundaries

DOM Examples

DOM Selectors

You can pass in a string selector to select the matching elements in the page.

Note: Selecting elements using Query performs identically to querySelectorAll.

import { $ } from '@semantic-ui/query';
const $divs = $('div');

HTML Strings

You can pass through html directly into $ to create new nodes.

import { $ } from '@semantic-ui/query';
const $newElement = $('<div class="example">Hello, world!</div>');

DOM Element

import { $ } from '@semantic-ui/query';
const element = document.getElementById('example');
const $element = $(element);

NodeList or HTMLCollection

import { $ } from '@semantic-ui/query';
const nodeList = document.querySelectorAll('p');
const $paragraphs = $(nodeList);

Element Arrays

import { $ } from '@semantic-ui/query';
const elements = [document.body, document.head];
const $bodyAndHead = $(elements);


import { $ } from '@semantic-ui/query';
const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
const $fragmentContent = $(fragment);


import { $ } from '@semantic-ui/query';
const $window = $(window);

Query Object

import { $ } from '@semantic-ui/query';
const $div = $('div');
const $copy = $($div);

Memory Usage When creating a Query object for window or globalThis, Query uses a proxy object to avoid keeping a full copy of the global object in memory. This optimization helps reduce the memory footprint of your application.

Shadow DOM Examples

Query has special support for piercing shadow DOM boundaries using $$ or pierceShadow. This can allow you to access content that might be difficult to access normally using standard DOM APIs.

Querying Shadow DOM

import { $$ } from '@semantic-ui/query';
const $shadowContent = $$('my-component .shadow-content');

Selecting Slotted Content

import { $$ } from '@semantic-ui/query';
const $slottedContent = $$('my-component .slotted-content');

The Query Object

When you use the $() or $$() function, it returns a Query object. This object contains a collection of DOM elements that have been selected from the document or created from an HTML string.

Properties of a Query Object

  • length: The number of elements in the Query object.
  • selector: The original selector used to create the Query object (if applicable).
  • options: The options used when creating the Query object.


Query methods can be chained for concise and readable code:

import { $ } from '@semantic-ui/query';
.css('color', 'red')
.on('click', function() {


Use the each method to iterate over selected elements:

For more information see the dedicated page for utilities

import { $ } from '@semantic-ui/query';
$('p').each(function(el, index) {
console.log(`Paragraph ${index}:`, el.textContent);


You can use dedicated helpers like filter and map to manipulate Query content.


import { $ } from '@semantic-ui/query';
const inputValues = $('input').map(input => input.val())


import { $ } from '@semantic-ui/query';
const userValues = $('input').filter(input => input.val() === '');

Accessing Elements

You can access a single DOM element using the el helper.

Single Element

You can access a single element using el

import { $ } from '@semantic-ui/query';
const divEl = $('div').el();

Single Index

To get a particular index you can use get

import { $ } from '@semantic-ui/query';
const divEl = $('div').get(1);

Empty Query Objects

A Query object may be empty if no elements match the selector or if all elements have been filtered out by chained methods. This allows chaining to continue unabated even with no results.

import { $ } from '@semantic-ui/query';
$('.non-existent').css('color', 'red'); // No effect if the class doesn't exist

Differences from Native Arrays

The Query Object is array-like meaning you can also access elements idiosyncratically using bracket notation $('div')[0], however this is not recommended, as many other array functions like push or pop are not supported

Browser Helpers

A few additional helpers are provided specifically for using Query in browser environments.

Export Globals

If you need to restore the previous values before calling export globals.

import { exportGlobals } from '@semantic-ui/query';
// $ and $$ are defined in page

Restore Globals

If you need to restore the previous values before calling export globals.

import { exportGlobals } from '@semantic-ui/query';
// $ and $$ are defined in page
// $ and $$ are now their original values

Custom Aliases

You can also choose to use Query as a custom alias

import { useAlias } from '@semantic-ui/query';
const myQuery = useAlias();
const $div = myQuery('div');

Custom Root

You can use the root option to change the root which is used for query. This can be useful when using Query in custom implementations scoped to an element.

SUI Components Semantic UI components use this technique when returning $ and $$ inside components

Inside Web Component
import { $ } from '@semantic-ui/query';
export const MyClass = class MyClass {
$(selector) {
// limit query to only searching this web component
return $(selector, { root: this.renderRoot });
myQuery = new Query({ root: someEl, pierceShadow: true })
const $elements = myQuery('div');