Function Utilities API reference for function manipulation utility functions command Guide

Function Utilities

The Function utilities provide helper functions for creating, wrapping, and optimizing functions in JavaScript. These utilities can help improve performance and simplify common function-related tasks.


function noop()

A function that does nothing (no operation).

Performance Optimization The primary purpose of noop is to provide a reusable, empty function that avoids the performance memory and performance overhead of creating new empty functions. This is particularly beneficial when used as a default value for optional function arguments or callbacks.


import { noop } from '@semantic-ui/utils';
// this reuses the same function which is a micro-optimization
function someFunction(callback = noop) {
// This creates a new empty function each time
function lessEfficientFunction(callback = function() {}) {


function wrapFunction(x)

Ensures that the given value is a function. If it’s not, it returns a function that returns the value.

When to use Wrap function is helpful if you are unsure a function is defined but you want to call it. It can be simpler in some cases than type checking on a function.


xanyThe value to wrap


A function that either calls the input function or returns the input value.


import { wrapFunction } from '@semantic-ui/utils';
const f1 = wrapFunction(() => 'Hello');
console.log(f1()); // 'Hello'
const f2 = wrapFunction('World');
console.log(f2()); // 'World'


function memoize(fn, hashFunction)

Creates a memoized version of a function, caching its results for repeated calls with the same arguments.

Custom Hashing This implementation allows for a custom hashing function, enabling more control over how arguments are compared for caching. The default hashing function uses JSON.stringify and a hash code function, which may not be suitable for all use cases, especially with complex objects or circular references.


fnfunctionThe function to memoize
hashFunctionfunction(Optional) A function to generate a cache key from the arguments


A new function that caches results based on its arguments.


import { memoize, hashCode } from '@semantic-ui/utils';
// Using default hashing
const expensiveOperation = (a, b) => {
return a + b;
const memoizedOperation = memoize(expensiveOperation);
console.log(memoizedOperation(2, 3)); // Logs: Calculating... 5
console.log(memoizedOperation(2, 3)); // Logs: 5 (no recalculation)
// Using custom hashing
const customHashOperation = (obj) => {
console.log('Processing object...');
return obj.a + obj.b;
const customHash = (args) => args[0].id; // Hash based on object id
const memoizedCustomOperation = memoize(customHashOperation, customHash);
console.log(memoizedCustomOperation({id: 1, a: 2, b: 3})); // Logs: Processing object... 5
console.log(memoizedCustomOperation({id: 1, a: 2, b: 3})); // Logs: 5 (no reprocessing)
console.log(memoizedCustomOperation({id: 2, a: 3, b: 4})); // Logs: Processing object... 7


function debounce(fn, options)

Creates a debounced version of a function, which will only invoke the function after it stops being called for a specified time period.


fnfunctionThe function to debounce
optionsnumber or objectDelay in milliseconds or options object
Options Object
delaynumber200Delay in milliseconds
immediatebooleanfalseIf true, trigger the function on the leading edge instead of the trailing edge


A new debounced function.


import { debounce } from '@semantic-ui/utils';
const expensiveOperation = () => {
const debouncedOperation = debounce(expensiveOperation, 300);
// Rapid calls
// Only one 'Calculating...' will be logged after 300ms

Cancellation The debounced function has a cancel method that can be used to cancel delayed invocations.

These function utilities provide powerful tools for manipulating and optimizing function behavior in JavaScript. They can help improve performance, reduce unnecessary computations, and simplify common programming patterns.