A Next-Gen UI Framework Built To Scale
Create truly portable in house design systems that work everywhere usings web standards, signals-based reactivity, and zero abstraction cost.
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<ui-buttons large> <ui-button subtle-negative> <ui-icon x></ui-icon> Delete </ui-button> <ui-button> <ui-icon edit></ui-icon> Edit </ui-button> <ui-button primary> <ui-icon save></ui-icon> Save </ui-button></ui-buttons>
<user-panel> <h3 class="header"> Welcome {getDisplayName (getUser userId) } </h3> <ui-buttons large> {#each actions} <ui-button {style}> <ui-icon {icon}> {text} </ui-button> {/each} </ui-buttons></user-panel>
Semantic provides a growing library for first-party UI primitives like dropdowns, buttons, menus, inputs that you can use as baseline to design your own custom design system.
Semantic provides a growing library for first-party UI primitives like dropdowns, buttons, menus, inputs that you can use as baseline to design your own custom design system.
Semantic is built to handle complex use-cases to build entire apps purely with web components.
Write templates that read like plain English. Semantic UI's template syntax makes components self-documenting and easier to maintain.